Is your 2023-24 digital marketing plan in a bit of a mucking fuddle?

You know exactly what to focus on next. Don’t you?

Insta. No, TikTok. No, Facebook. No, Insta. And in-house short-form video. No, UGC. Or both? On TikTok. And Facebook. Not LinkedIn, obvs. Although… No, Instabook. No, TikFace. No, LinkTok…

Take a breath. And our digital marketing advice.

We feel your pain. How can anyone stay on top of their 2023-24 digital marketing plan with so many opinions flying around and things changing so fast? Well, here’s what we do. Maybe it will help you.

  • Step #1: Audit, audit, audit. Yeah, checking your analytics and getting to the bottom of what has worked (and what hasn’t) can be painful, but it has to be done. Be forensic. Look at your objectives. Look at your results. Let the data and numbers tell the story.
  • Step #2: Finders and keepers, losers and weepers. With your audit done, write two lists. Put all the insights you unearthed and all the stuff that worked on one list, and put all the stuff that didn’t work on the other. Decide what’s in. Decide what’s out. Then shake it all about.
  • Step #3: Write a new plan. Sounds simple, and it is. Do more of what’s on your ‘Finders and Keepers’ list. Ditch the stuff on your ‘Losers and Weepers’ list. Test variations on what’s worked. Track your progress and results. And set a date to go back to Step #1.

BONUS digital marketing planning tip: Join us at State of Social ’23.

One ticket. 2 days. 6 must-see keynotes. 9 invaluable breakouts. 15 practical strategic, tactical and creative workshops. All the big names and brains in digital marketing giving you the skills and smarts you need to take your plan and execution to a whole new level
