The general public is increasingly cynical and suspicious of how technology – particularly social media – captures and uses personal data.

Social media keeps changing, which is a challenge for social media managers who need to keep up without being constantly distracted.

One of the most common mistakes businesses make with customer personas is trying to encapsulate any and every potential customer to avoid leaving anyone behind.

When a mistake or ill-advised post triggers a social media backlash, ignoring or deleting the problem can prolong the crisis. Sometimes, the easiest way to diffuse a situation in social – and possibly even GAIN trust – is to admit when you get things wrong.

Social media managers routinely need to demonstrate levels of pop culture knowledge far beyond the rest of us mere mortals.

How can businesses and managers protect their community moderators from burning out?

Businesses of all shapes and sizes need to take social media moderation more seriously. But that doesn’t mean you need to be merciless with the ban button.

Businesses don’t sell to businesses. Businesses don’t even talk to businesses. Here are a few tips to avoid falling into the trap of boring B2B marketing.

The world has changed. And that means marketing images need to tell a different visual story to avoid looking out of place.

When so much of marketing is digital, a marketer who doesn’t know even a little code is like a magazine editor who lacks basic grammar.