Do people buy fake followers on social media? 

Get real! 

While people buy fake followers on social media, it doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. 

Social media is tricky. It’s cluttered. It’s noisy. And it’s incredibly competitive. More than all of that, however, it’s really daunting for businesses trying to reach an audience when they don’t have one. 

Pursuing rapid growth on social media often leads people and brands down a dark path of questionable tactics. Purchasing fake followers might seem like a good idea at the time, but the ethical implications and potential consequences of such actions raise important questions. 

Let’s look closer at why people buy them and why you shouldn’t.

Why do people buy fake followers?

We all know that bots exist on social media. If you ask Elon Musk, they’re everywhere, especially on the social media platform he was forced into buying. 

Spam accounts are common on all social media platforms, but how widespread is the practice of buying followers to grow a legitimate account? Well, a quick search on Google Trends reveals some pretty damning results.

Results for "buy fake followers" on Google Trends

There’s no denying that follower count is important—it adds credibility and makes potential customers trust you. However, buying followers to boost your perceived popularity will likely do more harm than good. 

Why you shouldn’t buy fake followers 

Let’s put the fact that buying fake followers is, from a moral standpoint, not the best thing to do aside for a second. If we take guilt out of the equation, there are many reasons you shouldn’t buy them.

Eroding Trust

Genuine engagement is a cornerstone of social media success. When users discover fake followers, trust is eroded, and the credibility of the individual or brand is compromised.

Platform Penalties

Social media platforms are increasingly cracking down on fake accounts. Buying followers violates the terms of service on most platforms, and consequences may include account suspension or removal.

Reputational Damage 

Once the damage of purchasing followers is done, it’s pretty difficult for your account to bounce back

The negative perception stemming from discovering fake followers can extend beyond social media, influencing how your business is perceived in the real world. 

Customers may question the integrity and sincerity of your brand, potentially leading to a loss of trust and loyalty. 

In the long run, this reputational damage can have tangible consequences, affecting customer acquisition, partnerships, and overall business success. Therefore, the seemingly quick fix of purchasing fake followers can have enduring and far-reaching consequences for your business’ reputation.

Final thoughts 

While the allure of a massive following is undeniable, the risks and consequences of buying fake followers far outweigh the benefits. 

Social media is built on genuine connections and interactions, and attempting to manipulate this ecosystem can have lasting repercussions. 

As platforms continue to refine their algorithms and detection mechanisms, the era of fake followers may be facing its decline. In the end, authenticity and meaningful engagement will always prevail in the world of social media.

Ditch those fake followersLearn how to remove your fake followers and get your engagement on the right side

Download our guide and wash those fake followers right outta your account.

A born and raised sandgroper, Cal only ever dreamed of one thing growing up: the squeaky courts of the NBA. But his inability to dunk squashed that dream. Cal is the Marketing Coordinator at Coffey & Tea.